Sector Investing

Sectors can provide targeted exposure to specific segments of the economy, providing an opportunity to help investors potentially enhance returns and manage risk.

Explore ways sector exposure can help drive portfolio returns

Utilizing a disciplined business cycle approach, it is possible to identify key phases in the economy and use those signals in an effort to increase precision in portfolio precision.

  • Business Cycle
  • Opportunistic
  • Defensive
  • Preemptive

Understand the business cycle and the opportunities it can provide

By recognizing which sectors may outperform or underperform during particular phases of the business cycle, you can use sectors to target a specific client objective.

Early cycle

Economically sensitive sectors may tend to outperform, while more defensive sectors have tended to underperform.

Mid cycle

Making marginal portfolio allocation changes to manage drawdown risk with sectors may enhance risk-adjusted returns during this cycle.

Late cycle

Defensive and inflation-resistant sectors have tended to perform better, while more cyclical sectors underperform.


Since performance generally has been negative during recessions, investors should focus on the most defensive, historically stable sectors.

Potentially enhance returns

Potentially boost client returns by investing in a sector that has historically outperformed during a given phase of the business cycle.

In a Growing Economy

Consider energy.

It has had the highest volatility relative to all sectors over the past 20 years, which could boost portfolio performance.

It has often outperformed during the early and mid phases of the business cycle when the economy is growing.1

As the Economy Slows Down

Consider consumer staples and utilities sectors.

They usually outperformed during the late and recession phases of the business cycle when the economy is slowing or shrinking.1

They have had the lowest volatility relative to all sectors over the past 20 years, which may lower portfolio risk.

Lower volatility and manage risk

If you are targeting opportunities to help manage risk in a client's portfolio, you may want to invest in sectors that have been economically insensitive and have had lower volatility.

Sectors can be an effective tool for managing equity risk.

Protect from inflation

Potentially help a client protect purchasing power by investing in commodity-type sectors that have historically done well as inflationary pressures build.

Energy has typically performed well during the late phase of the business cycle.

Full-phase average annual performance

Forecasting increased inflation?

Consider energy sectors.

As the economic recovery matures and inflationary pressures build, the energy sector has typically performed well.1

Want to learn more?

Read about how a business cycle approach to equity sector investing may add value as part of an intermediate-term investment strategy.


Meet a wider range of client objectives with our full spectrum of sector funds, ETFs, and other solutions.