Target Date Funds

Take the guesswork out of saving for retirement

Wondering how to invest for the future? You don't have to be an expert. Fidelity's target date funds are available in your employer's retirement savings plan—providing you with a diversified portfolio in a single investment. Learn more below.

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5 Things You Should Know about Target Date Funds

A single fund can help meet your savings and retirement goals

The investments in Fidelity's target date funds shift over time, based on the target retirement date and the funds' asset allocation, or glide path. The heart of Fidelity's target date funds is the glide path which provides meaningful equity exposure throughout your lifetime to help address market challenges and help minimize the risk of outliving your savings.

To see how the asset allocation becomes more conservative over time, toggle between the retirement year examples below.

  • 2050
  • 2030
  • Income Fund