Market-based cash balance plans: Re-evaluating an often-overlooked retirement plan design after SECURE 2.0

There are good reasons why market-based cash balance plans have been embraced by professional partnerships and law firms. But these plans offer a unique opportunity that shouldn't be overlooked by other employers. And SECURE 2.0 has eliminated many of the constraints that had held employers back from adopting these.

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Key Takeaways

  • Market-based cash balance plans have been popular with certain employers but have been overlooked by larger companies. It's a great time to revisit this opportunity now that SECURE 2.0 has provided favorable legal clarification, making this option even more attractive.
  • This type of plan can offer greater retirement benefits in a tax-sheltered vehicle.
  • Fidelity can help you evaluate the various aspects of cash balance plan structures to help you determine which makes sense for your organization.

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