Sustainable investing solutions and ESG insights

The future of investing is changing—and Fidelity strives to be on the forefront of that change. Discover how our sustainable strategies can help firms meet evolving client goals.

The principles behind Fidelity's sustainable investing approach

Our deep proprietary knowledge and disciplined investing principles are the foundation of Fidelity’s sustainable investing approach, and are built on:

Investment performance

As with all our portfolios, we maintain a focus on seeking consistent investment performance.


Our proprietary research focuses on financially material ESG factors.

Cross-asset class collaboration

Our differentiated investing process is supported by collaborative proprietary ESG research across asset classes.


We engage with issuers as part of our ESG research and stewardship initiatives.

2022-2023 Sustainable investing and stewardship update

Fidelity’s core principles sit at the heart of our investing and stewardship activities. Putting our clients’ long-term interests first and investing in companies that share our approach to creating value over the long-term guides everything we do.

Fidelity Investments stewardship principles

We see stewardship as a critical tool for addressing material risks and opportunities in portfolios to help generate long-term value creation for our customers. Fidelity has a set of stewardship principles to guide its efforts, including proxy voting.

Want to know more?

Let’s talk about sustainable investing solutions for your clients.