2023-2024 Sustainable investing and stewardship update
The sustainable investing landscape has experienced remarkable change in recent years. We see stewardship as a critical tool for addressing material risks and opportunities to help generate long-term investment value.
- Fidelity's proprietary fundamental and quantitative research functions propel our sustainable investing and stewardship capabilities.
- Our research on financially material sustainability factors is guided by the same intellectual rigor and proprietary analysis that shapes all our active management capabilities.
- We report on our robust research, engagement and proxy voting, as a steward of capital.
- An update on sustainable investment research
- Engagement
- Proxy voting results
- Investment ecosystem
- Looking ahead to growing our stewardship and sustainable investment research expertise
Sustainable Investing Solutions
Align investment objectives and sustainability goals with robust portfolio solutions, grounded in proprietary research.
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Asset Class Overview
Explore strategies and custom solutions across asset classes, designed to help you face your most complex challenges head on.
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