FIAM Leveraged Loan

Seeks to outperform the Morningstar LSTA U.S. Leveraged Loan Index by primarily investing in a diversified portfolio of higher-quality speculative-grade bank loans.

An investment process focused on deep analysis to find value

Given that loans are typically issued by lower-quality companies, thorough analysis is key. Fidelity’s dedicated team fully analyzes loans, seeking asset-backed loans from reasonably sound companies, as they are more likely to outperform on a risk-adjusted basis over the long term.

Bottom-up, fundamental research

Rigorous, in-depth analysis encompasses company, industry, capital structure, and valuation components to target the best risk-adjusted opportunities in the market.

Total return mindset

Balances income and capital appreciation to achieve competitive risk-adjusted returns over a credit cycle.

Time-tested process

Fidelity has been managing high yield assets since 1977 and launched the industry’s first daily liquidity leveraged loan fund in 2000. FIAM’s Leveraged Loan strategy has produced competitive performance since inception in 2007.

Key Facts

Portfolio managers

We believe our focus on fundamental credit analysis and relative valuation is the key to outperformance.

Eric Mollenhauer, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Kevin Nielsen, CFA
Portfolio Manager

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