FIAM Strategies
FIAM Global Low Volatility
The principal investment objective of the FIAM Global Low Volatility strategy is to seek long-term growth of capital, primarily through investments in the global developed market equity universe, while maintaining an overall risk profile that is lower than the market.
Investment Approach
Unlike more traditional equity strategies that seek to add value while managing tracking error relative to a cap-weighted benchmark, Global Low Volatility focuses on absolute return and absolute risk while still being a fully invested, long-only strategy. This focus on absolute risk (rather than tracking error) allows the strategy to achieve lower volatility than the cap-weighted index or the more traditional equity strategies. The strategy leverages the fundamental analyst research across the Fidelity organization to drive the stock selection process and advanced portfolio construction techniques to build a portfolio that meets the investment objective.
Consistent exposure
Consistent exposure to global equities
Proprietary research
Access to one of the world’s largest buy-side research platforms that has extensive depth and breadth of fundamental research covering the vast majority of the investable universe
Seeks to minimize risk
Seeks to minimize absolute risk by utilizing quantitative investment tools, while enhancing capital growth potential via fundamental stock selection
Investment Process
Fundamental Research
- Fidelity/FIAM’s extensive coverage of investable universe of stocks across regions and capitalization
- Fundamental insight of risk and reward on a stock-by-stock basis
- Use fundamental research to identify most attractive stocks
- Minimum variance portfolio optimization with quantitative oversight of risk exposures
Global Low Volatility Portfolio
Key Facts
Inception Date | October 31, 2012 |
Benchmark | MSCI World (N)MSCI World (N) |
Separate account minimum | $50M |
Typical portfolio turnover |
Portfolio Managers
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Global research expertise and local presence in key regional markets.