There was an issue with your input |

Our diverse fund line-up is designed to help you meet investment objectives and asset allocation needs. Select A Fund to View:
Fidelity {{fundDetails.overview.legalName}} Fidelity Money Market Funds {{fundDetails.overview.legalName}} {{fundDetails.overview.legalName}}
- Asset Class: {{fundDetails.overview.displayClassificationList[0].fundDisciplines[0].disciplineShortName}}
- Morningstar Category: {{fundDetails.overview.morningstarCategory}}
1 Day | 7 Day | 30 Day | |||
{{prices.milrateYields[0].oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{prices.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{prices.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}} | |||
as of {{prices.milrateYields[0].oneDayYieldDate}} |
as of {{prices.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYieldDate}} |
as of {{prices.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYieldDate}} |
na | na | na |
Daily | {{prices.milrateYields[0].milrate | naCheckPrecision:9}} | |
Daily | na | |
MTD Cum. | {{prices.milrateYields[0].mtdMilrate | naCheckPrecision:9}} | |
MTD Cum. | na | |
na | na | na |
Avg. Annual Returns
1 Yr. | 3 Yr. | 5 Yr. | 10 Yr. |
{{returnsData.oneYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}} | {{returnsData.threeYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}} | {{returnsData.fiveYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}} | {{returnsData.tenYearReturn | naCheckZeroOrPlus:2}} |
na | na | na | na |
Top Instruments
{{holdingSubTypes.holdingSubTypeName}} | {{holdingSubTypes.holdingValue | number : 2 | naCheck:2 | addPercent}} |
Fund Basics
Fund ID# | {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo | naCheck:'na'}} | |
CUSIP | {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber | naCheck:'na'}} | |
Daily Distribution Yield | {{dailyYields.daily.distributions.oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}} | na |
Inception Date | {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate | naCheck:'na' }} | |
Portfolio Assets ($M) | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.portfolioNetAssets/1000000 | currency}} na | |
Exp Ratio (Gross) |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'CTERB'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Net) |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'CTERA'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Financial Statement |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'ERAER'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Gross) - Prospectus |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'TAFOE'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'NTEXP'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'TAFOE'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Exp Ratio (Net of Waivers) |
{{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'ENOFW'})[0].featureValue.split('%')[0] | naCheckPercent | naCheck: na}} | |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} | |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} | |
Weighted Avg Life |
{{fundDetails.wamData.avgLifeDays}} |
Data not available due to service error

Fund Basics
Details (Fund)
Product Type | {{fundDetails.overview.mmFundType | camelCase}} | ||
{{fundDetails.prices[0].displayNav | checkDollar}} as of {{fundDetails.prices[0].navDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
POP (Public Offering Price) | {{price.displayPop | checkDollar}}
as of {{price.navDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
1-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
7-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
30-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Daily Distribution Yield |
{{dailyYields.daily.distributions.oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{dailyYields.daily.distributions.asOfDate}} na
30-Day SEC Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Daily Mil-rates |
{{price.milrateYields[0].milrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].milrateDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
MTD Cum. Mil-rates |
{{price.milrateYields[0].mtdMilrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].milrateDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Liquid Assets (Daily) |
as of {{dailyLiquidPt.date}} |
Liquid Assets (Weekly) |
{{weeklyLiquidPt.weeklyLiquidityPercentage }}%
as of {{weeklyLiquidPt.date}} |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} Days
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} Years
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsDate}} |
Weighted Avg Life | {{fundDetails.wamData.avgLifeDays}} Days
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
Maximum Sales Charge | |||
Exp Ratio (Gross) | |||
Exp Ratio (Gross) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Financial Statement | |||
12 Month Low-High | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | checkDollar }}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | checkDollar }}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundPriceStatsDate}} |
Turnover Rate |
{{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent}}
as of {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRateDate}} |
Net Assets ($M) |
{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundAssetsDate}} |
Portfolio Assets ($M) |
{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.portfolioNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundAssetsDate}} |
Daily Market Value | {{price.marketValue | naCheckDollarMinDecimal:4}}
as of {{price.marketValueDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Morningstar Category | {{fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory}} | ||
Fund # | {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo}} | ||
Plan # | {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo}} | ||
CUSIP | {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber}} | ||
Plan CUSIP | {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber}} | ||
Fund Inception | {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate}} | ||
Share Class Inception | {{fundDetails.overview.fundIssueDt}} | ||
Fiscal Year End | {{fundDetails.overview.fiscalYearEndMonthName}} |
There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the fund, which indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain exceptions) that the fund would pay; the respective contract expires on {{fundDetails.overview.expenseCapExpDate | naCheck:'Not Available'}}.
Yields | As of Month-End | 7-Day Yield | 7-Day Without Reductions | 30-Day Yield |
{{item.data }} | {{item.sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2 }} | {{item.sevenDayYieldWithoutReimbursement | naCheckPercent:2 }} | {{item.thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2 }} |
Investment Objective
{{ fundDetails.overview.objectiveText | naCheck }}
{{ fundDetails.overview.strategyText | naCheck }}
{{ fundDetails.overview.riskText | naCheck }}
Details (Fund)
Product Type | {{fundDetails.overview.mmFundType | camelCase}} | ||
{{fundDetails.prices[0].displayNav | checkDollar}} as of {{fundDetails.prices[0].navDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
POP (Public Offering Price) | {{price.displayPop | checkDollar}}
as of {{price.navDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
1-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].oneDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
7-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].sevenDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
30-Day Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].thirtyDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Daily Distribution Yield |
{{dailyYields.daily.distributions.oneDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{dailyYields.daily.distributions.asOfDate}} na
30-Day SEC Yield |
{{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYield | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].secThirtyDayYieldDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Daily Mil-rates |
{{price.milrateYields[0].milrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].milrateDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
MTD Cum. Mil-rates |
{{price.milrateYields[0].mtdMilrate | naCheckPrecision:9}}
as of {{price.milrateYields[0].milrateDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Liquid Assets (Daily) |
as of {{dailyLiquidPt.date}} |
Liquid Assets (Weekly) |
{{weeklyLiquidPt.weeklyLiquidityPercentage }}%
as of {{weeklyLiquidPt.date}} |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} Days
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} Years
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsDate}} |
Weighted Avg Life | {{fundDetails.wamData.avgLifeDays}} Days
as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
Maximum Sales Charge | |||
Exp Ratio (Gross) | |||
Exp Ratio (Gross) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |||
Exp Ratio (Net) - Financial Statement | |||
12 Month Low-High | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | checkDollar }}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | checkDollar }}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundPriceStatsDate}} |
Turnover Rate |
{{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent}}
as of {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRateDate}} |
Net Assets ($M) |
{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundAssetsDate}} |
Portfolio Assets ($M) |
{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.portfolioNetAssets/1000000 | currency}}
as of {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundAssetsDate}} |
Daily Market Value | {{price.marketValue | naCheckDollarMinDecimal:4}}
as of {{price.marketValueDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} |
Morningstar Category | {{fundDetails.morningstar.morningstarCategory}} | ||
Fund # | {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo}} | ||
Plan # | {{fundDetails.overview.fundNo}} | ||
CUSIP | {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber}} | ||
Plan CUSIP | {{fundDetails.overview.cusipNumber}} | ||
Fund Inception | {{fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate}} | ||
Share Class Inception | {{fundDetails.overview.fundIssueDt}} | ||
Fiscal Year End | {{fundDetails.overview.fiscalYearEndMonthName}} |
There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the fund, which indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain exceptions) that the fund would pay; the respective contract expires on {{fundDetails.overview.expenseCapExpDate | naCheck:'Not Available'}}.
Composition by Instrument
This data is currently unavailable.
As Of {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings, 'Composition by Instrument', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}}
Instrument | Portfolio Weight |
{{ holdingSubType.holdingSubTypeName}} | {{ holdingSubType.holdingValue | naCheckPercent:2 }} |
Total | 100% |
Performance (Fund)
FUND INCEPTION {{ fundDetails.overview.portfolioInceptionDate | naCheck}}
Fund Managers (Fund)
Manager | Since |
{{managerInformation.firstName}} {{managerInformation.lastName}} | {{managerInformation.tenureStDate}} |
Historical Fund Information
Description | Effective Date | End Date |
{{ historicalEvent.eventType | naCheck}}: {{ historicalEvent.eventText | naCheck}} | {{historicalEvent.startDt | naCheck}} | {{historicalEvent.endDt | naCheck}} |
Quarter-End Average Annual Total Returns (Fund)
This data is currently unavailable.
Performance & Risk
1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year | 10 Year | Life | ||||||
NAV Return | na | na | na | na |
NAV Return | na | na | na | na | na | |||||
With Sales Charge | na | na | na | na |
{{indexData.indexBasicData.indexShortName }} | na | na | na | na | na | |||||
{{indexData.indexBasicData.indexShortName }} | na | na | na | na | na |
Investment Objective
{{ fundDetails.overview.objectiveText | naCheck }}
{{ fundDetails.overview.strategyText | naCheck }}
{{ fundDetails.overview.riskText | naCheck }}
Historical Fund Performance (Fund)
This data is currently unavailable.
Year | Total Returns | Capital Gains | Dividends | |
{{ historicalReturn.year }} | {{ historicalReturn.annualReturn | naCheckPercent:2 }} | {{ historicalReturn.distData.totalCapitalGainsAmount | naCheckDollar:6 }} | {{ historicalReturn.distData.totalDividendsAmount | naCheckDollar:6 }} | {{ historicalReturn.distData.ytdMilRate | naCheckDollar:9 }} |
YTD (Monthly) | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month | |
{{cumTotReturnsMM.overview.shortName}} | {{cumTotalReturnAtNav.ytdReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{cumTotalReturnAtNav.oneMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{cumTotalReturnAtNav.threeMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{cumTotalReturnAtNav.sixMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} |
{{cumTotReturnsMM.overview.shortName}} | na | na | na | na |
{{indexReturns.indexBasicData.indexShortName}} | {{(indexReturns.indexCumulativeTotalList | filter:{datePeriod:'Month'} | limitTo:1)[0].ytdReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{(indexReturns.indexCumulativeTotalList | filter:{datePeriod:'Month'} | limitTo:1)[0].oneMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{(indexReturns.indexCumulativeTotalList | filter:{datePeriod:'Month'} | limitTo:1)[0].threeMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} | {{(indexReturns.indexCumulativeTotalList | filter:{datePeriod:'Month'} | limitTo:1)[0].sixMonthReturn | naCheckPercentPlusMinus:2}} |
This data is currently unavailable.
Quarter-End Average Annual Total Returns (Fund)
This data is currently unavailable.
Lipper Rankings (Fund)
AS OF {{(fundDetails.lipper[0].fundLipperData | filter:{lipperDataTypeCd:'MFTOLOBPG'})[0].lipperDate}} ; Lipper Category: {{ (fundDetails.lipper[0].fundLipperData | filter:{lipperDataTypeCd:'MFTOLOBPG'})[0].lipperName | naCheck }}
Years | Rank | % Peers Beaten |
1 Yr | # {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'1Y'})[0].lipperRank }} out of {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'1Y'})[0].lipperCount }} funds | {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'1Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}% |
1 Yr | na | na |
3 Yr | # {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'3Y'})[0].lipperRank }} out of {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'3Y'})[0].lipperCount }} funds | {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'3Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}% |
3 Yr | na | na |
5 Yr | # {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'5Y'})[0].lipperRank }} out of {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'5Y'})[0].lipperCount }} funds | {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'5Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}% |
5 Yr | na | na |
10 Yr | # {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'10Y'})[0].lipperRank }} out of {{(lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'10Y'})[0].lipperCount }} funds | {{( lippers | filter:{lipperPeriodCd:'10Y'})[0].lipperPeersBeatenPercent }}% |
10 Yr | na | na |
Moodys | Aaa |
Moodys | AAA-mf |
S&P | AAAm |
National Association of Insurance Commissioners | U.S Direct Obligations/Full Faith & Credit Exempt |
Holdings (Fund)
Total # of Holdings
as of {{holdingSubTypeLaggeds.laggedDate}}
{{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'HLDCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}} | |
Total # of Issuers
as of {{holdingSubTypeLaggeds.laggedDate}}
{{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Total Number of Issuers'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'ISSCT'})[0].holdingValue | naCheck}} | |
Full Holdings Reports | ||
Top 10 Holdings
as of {{holdingSubTypeLaggeds.laggedDate}}
na |
% of Total Portfolios
as of {{holdingSubTypeLaggeds.laggedDate }}
Top 10:
{{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Aggregate of Top Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'AGGR10'})[0].holdingValue | naCheckPercent: 2}}
Top 20:
{{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Aggregate of Top Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'AGGR20'})[0].holdingValue | naCheckPercent:2}}
Top 50:
{{((fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Aggregate of Top Holdings'})[0].holdingSubTypes | filter:{holdingSubTypeCode:'AGGR50'})[0].holdingValue | naCheckPercent:2}}
as of {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRateDate}}
{{ fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent}}
Composition by Instrument
This data is currently unavailable.
As Of {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings, 'Composition by Instrument', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}}
Instrument | Portfolio Weight |
{{ holdingSubType.holdingSubTypeName}} | {{ holdingSubType.holdingValue | naCheckPercent:2 }} |
Total | 100% |
Liquid Assets (Daily)
Regulations require that a money market mutual fund hold at least 25% of its total assets in daily liquid assets that can be readily converted to cash in one business day. The graph below shows the percentage of daily liquid assets over the last seven months for the fund.
Insufficient data to create chart
Data not available due to service error
Liquid Assets (Weekly)
Regulations require that a money market mutual fund hold at least 50% of its total assets in weekly liquid assets that can be readily converted to cash in five business days. The graph below shows the percentage of weekly liquid assets over the last seven months for the fund.
Insufficient data to create chart
This data is currently unavailable
Data not available due to service error
Portfolio Data
Weighted Avg Maturity |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysInDays}} Days as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
{{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsInYears}} Years as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityYearsDate}} |
Weighted Avg Life |
{{fundDetails.wamData.avgLifeDays}} Days as of {{fundDetails.wamData.averageMaturityDaysDate}} |
Duration |
{{fundDetails.wamData.durationInYears}} Years as of {{fundDetails.wamData.durationDate}} |
Turnover Rate |
{{ fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRate | naCheckPercent }} as of {{fundDetails.overview.annualizedTurnoverRateDate}} |
Maturity Distribution
Time Period | {{(holdingsRoot.holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].laggedDate}} | |||
{{holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeName}} |
{{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}} | {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'0Q'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}} | {{(holdingsSubType.holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:{lagPeriod:'12M'})[0].holdingsPercent| naCheckPercent:2}} | |
% of Total Debt Instruments | 100% | 100% | 100% |
This data is currently unavailable.
Country Diversification
As Of
{{(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings | filter:{holdingTypeName:'Country Diversification'})[0].holdingSubTypes[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds[0].laggedDate}}
{{ fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].indexShortName}}
Country | Fund | Benchmark | +/- |
{{holdingSubTypes.holdingSubTypeName}} | {{holdingSubTypes.holdingValue | naCheckPercent: 2}} | {{holdingSubTypes.indexValue | naCheckPercent: 2}} | {{ holdingSubTypes.holdingValIndexValDiff | naCheckPercent: 2}} |
Net Shareholder Flow (Daily)
The graph below shows daily net shareholder flows (inflows minus outflows) over the last seven months for the fund.
This data is currently unavailable.
Data not available due to service error
Alternative Minimum Tax
This data is currently unavailable.
As Of {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings, 'Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].laggedDate}}
Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax | {{(compositionService.getHoldingsData(fundDetails.holdings.fundHoldings[0].holdings, 'Subject to Alternative Minimum Tax', ['0M'])[0].holdingSubTypeLaggeds | filter:lagPeriod='0M')[0].holdingsPercent | naCheckPercent:2}} of Assets |
Fees & Distributions
This data is currently unavailable.
Date | Income Paid Quarterly Income Paid Monthly |
{{ yield.date }} | {{ yield.mtdMilRate | naCheckDollar:9 }} |
Pricing (Fund)
AS OF {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundPriceStatsDate}}
{{price.displayNav | checkDollar}} as of {{price.navDate | replaceByGivenString:'-':'/'}} at {{price.strikeTime | convertTimeAMPM}} |
12 Month Low-High | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthLowNav | checkDollar }}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayTwelveMonthHighNav | checkDollar }} |
Monthly Low-High | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayMonthlyLowNav | checkDollar}}-{{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayMonthlyHighNav | checkDollar }} |
On {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.fundPriceStatsDate}} | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayDailyNavAm | checkDollar }} |
13 Week Moving Average | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayThirteenWeekMovingAverageNav | checkDollar}} |
39 Week Moving Average | {{fundDetails.priceStatistics.displayThirtyNineWeekMovingAverageNav | checkDollar }} |
Year-End NAV(Fund)
Year | Net Asset Value |
{{ yearEndNavs.date | getDateYear}} | {{ yearEndNavs.displayDailyNavAm | checkDollar}} |
Daily Market Value
Daily market value is the market value of the fund's assets after liabilities are subtracted, expressed on a per-share basis to 1/100 of a penny. The graph below shows the daily market value of one share over the last seven months for the fund.
Insufficient data to create chart
This data is currently unavailable
Data not available due to service error
Expenses, Fees & Loads
Maximum Sales Charge | |
Maximum CDSC | {{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'64'})[0].featureValue | addPercent}} |
Exp Ratio (Gross) | |
Exp Ratio (Gross) - Prospectus | |
Exp Ratio (Net) | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Prospectus | |
Exp Ratio (Net) - Financial Statement | |
Exp Ratio (Net of Waivers) | |
Exp Cap | {{fundDetails.overview.expenseCap| naCheckPercent: 2}}
Short-Term Trading Fee | |
Short-Term Trading Fee Period | {{(fundDetails.overview.featureInformation | filter:{featureCode:'RFPRD'})[0].featureValue}} Days |
Management Fee | |
Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees | |
Low Balance Fee |
There is a contractual cap on the expenses borne by the fund, which indicates the maximum level of expenses (with certain exceptions) that the fund would pay; the respective contract expires on {{fundDetails.overview.expenseCapExpDate | naCheck:'Not Available'}}.
Distribution (Fund)
Date | Per Share | Reinvestment Price |
{{dividendHistory.distributionAmount| naCheckDollar:5}}
{{dividendHistory.distributionAmount| naCheckDollar:5}}
This data is currently unavailable.
Distribution Schedule: na{{schedules.monthName }},
Date |
Short Term
(Per Share)
Long Term
(Per Share)
(Per Share)
Reinvestment Price |
{{(fundDetails.distributions[0].historicalDistributions | filter:{distributionType :'SCG',recordDate:capitalGains.recordDate})[0].distributionAmount|naCheckDollar:5}}
{{(fundDetails.distributions[0].historicalDistributions | filter:{distributionType :'LCG',recordDate:capitalGains.recordDate})[0].distributionAmount|naCheckDollar:5}}
This data is currently unavailable.
This data is currently unavailable.
Historical Prices, Distribution & Yields (Fund)
Internet Explorer users: we recommend using version 9 or newer when submitting date ranges greater than one year.
Initial Investment | {{ minimumsIntInv.featureValue | naCheckDollar:2}} |
Additional Investment | {{ minimumsAddInv.featureValue | naCheckDollar:2}} |
Automatic Account Builder | {{ minimumsAutoAccBui.featureValue | naCheckDollar:2}} |
Required Balance | {{ minimumsRegBal.featureValue | naCheckDollar:2}} |
Direct Deposit | {{ minimumsDirDep.featureValue | naCheckDollar:2}} |
![]() |
Loading performance data...
{{fundHistoricalPrices.legalName}} - {{fundHistoricalPrices.title}}
Fund #: {{fundHistoricalPrices.fundNo}} | | CUSIP: {{fundHistoricalPrices.cusipNo}} | Symbol: {{fundHistoricalPrices.tradingSymbol}} | Short-Term Trading Fee: {{featureValue.featureValue | naCheckPercent100:2}} | Max Sales Charge: {{featureValue.featureValue | naCheckPercent100:2}} | Period: {{featureValue.featureValue}} Days
Date | NAV | NAV Chg | POP | Mil-Rate |
{{price.date | replaceByGivenString:'-':'' | yyyyMMddFilter}} | {{price.displayNav | checkDollar}} | {{price.displayNavChg | checkDollar | checkPlusMinus}} | {{price.displayPop | checkDollar}} | {{price.milRate | naCheckPrecisionNoExp:9}} |
Date | NAV | NAV | Mil-Rate | Yields | Avg. Maturity in Days | Weighted Avg Life | Liquid Assets (Daily) | Liquid Assets (Weekly) | Daily Market Value | ||||
at 9:00 AM | at 12:00 PM | at 3:00 PM | 1-Day | 7-Day | 30-Day | ||||||||
{{price.date | replaceByGivenString:'-':'' | yyyyMMddFilter}} | {{nineStrikePrice.displayNav | checkDollar | naCheck}} | {{noonStrikePrice.displayNav | checkDollar | naCheck}} | {{threeStrikePrice.displayNav | checkDollar | naCheck}} | {{price.displayNav | checkDollar | naCheck}} | {{price.milRate | naCheckPrecisionNoExp:9}} | {{price.oneDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.sevenDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.thirtyDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.avgMaturityDays | naCheck }} | {{price.avgLife | naCheck}} | {{price.capitalInformation.dailyLiquidityPercentage | naCheckPercent}} | {{price.capitalInformation.weeklyLiquidityPercentage |naCheckPercent}} | {{price.dailyMarketValue | naCheckDollar:4}} |
{{price.date | replaceByGivenString:'-':'' | yyyyMMddFilter}} | {{price.displayNav | checkDollar | naCheck}} | {{price.milRate | naCheckPrecisionNoExp:9}} | {{price.oneDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.sevenDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.thirtyDay | naCheckPercent:2}} | {{price.avgMaturityDays | naCheck }} | {{price.avgLife | naCheck}} | {{price.capitalInformation.dailyLiquidityPercentage | naCheckPercent}} | {{price.capitalInformation.weeklyLiquidityPercentage |naCheckPercent}} | {{price.dailyMarketValue | naCheckDollar:4}} |
Ex Date | Pay Date | Reinvest NAV | Dividends($) | Capital Gains | Total | |
Short-term | Long-term | |||||
{{price.exDate | stringToDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy' }} | {{price.payDate | stringToDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} | {{price.displayReinvestNav | checkDollar}} | {{price.dividends | naCheckPrecision:5}} | {{price.shortTermGain | naCheckPrecision:5}} | {{price.longTermGain | naCheckPrecision:5}} | {{price.totalGain | naCheckPrecision:5}} |
Important information about this fund
{{message.effectiveDateTime | date : 'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
Data not available due to service error