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Total returns are historical and include changes in share price and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Although Class B shares were merged into Class A effective 6/24/16, the Class B historical track record for certain funds will continue to be used for calculating Class C historical performance. Class C shares are sold to eligible investors with a 12b-1 fee.
Initial offering of Class C shares for FA Growth & Income, FA Large Cap, FA Stock Selector Mid Cap, and FA Strategic Income was on 11/3/97, and for FA Mortgage Securities was on 8/16/01. Prior returns are those of Class B and reflect Class B's 12b-1 fee. Except as noted, the following funds' returns are those of Class B through the dates listed and reflect Class B's 12b-1 fee, and prior to that are those of Class M and reflect Class M's 12b-1 fee: FA Balanced and FA Equity Growth through 12/31/96; FA Consumer Discretionary, FA Financial Services, FA Growth Opportunities, FA Health Care, FA Industrials, FA Technology, and FA Utilities through 3/3/97; FA Emerging Markets Income, FA Equity Income, FA High Income Advantage, FA Limited Term Bond, and FA Muni Income, through 6/30/94; and FA Energy and FA Overseas through 7/3/95. Returns prior to 9/10/92 for FA Equity Growth, FA Equity Income, and FA Limited Term Bond are those of Class I. Exceptions: Prior returns are those of Class B for FA Mortgage Securities and reflect Class B's 12b-1 fee, and returns prior to 3/3/97 are those of Fidelity Mortgage Securities.
Initial offering of Class C shares for FA Asset Manager 20% (10/2/06), FA Asset Manager 50% (10/2/06), FA Asset Manager 70% (9/23/08), FA Asset Manager 85% (10/2/06), FA California Muni Income (8/1/02), FA Canada (5/2/07), FA China Region (5/9/08), FA Communication Services (11/30/18), FA Consumer Staples (12/12/06), FA Convertible Securities (2/19/09), FA Europe (3/18/14), FA Global Balanced (2/19/09), FA Gold (12/12/06), FA Government Income (10/24/06), FA Inflation-Protected Bond (10/2/02), FA Intermediate Muni Income (10/31/05), FA International Discovery (1/6/05), FA International Real Estate (4/4/07), FA International Small Cap (5/27/03), FA Investment Grade Bond (8/27/02), FA Japan (12/14/10), FA Latin America (9/28/10), FA Limited Term Muni Income (7/23/03), FA Materials (12/12/06), FA Mega Cap Stock (2/5/08), FA Mid Cap Value (2/13/07), FA Muni Income Fund (3/2/18), FA New York Muni Income (8/1/02), FA Real Estate Income (4/14/10), FA Short-Term Bond (7/12/16), FA Stock Selector All Cap (10/23/12), FA Stock Selector Large Cap Value (2/13/07), FA Stock Selector Small Cap (5/2/07), FA Telecommunications (12/12/06), FA Total Bond (6/16/04), and FA Worldwide (2/19/09) was on each date listed. Returns prior to each date listed are those of each fund's respective retail class.
Initial offering of Class C shares for FA Value Strategies was on 8/16/01. Prior returns are those of Class B through 6/30/94 and returns from 8/20/86 to 6/30/94 are those of Class M and returns prior to 8/20/86 are those of Fidelity Value Strategies.
Initial offering of Class C shares for FA Emerging Asia was on 6/15/99. Returns prior to 6/15/99 reflect the performance of the fund as a closed-end fund.
Initial offering of Class C shares for FA Capital Development and FA Diversified Stock was on 7/12/05. Returns prior to 7/12/05 through 4/30/99 are those of Class A. Returns prior to 4/30/99 are those of Class O.
Had Class C's 12b-1 fee been reflected, returns would have been lower (except where returns for equity funds are those of Class B which have the same 12b-1 fee as Class C).
Effective 6/21/21, Fidelity Advisor Class C shares convert to Class A shares after 8 years.
Initial offering of the Advisor Class shares for FA Blue Chip Growth Fund, FA Focused Stock Fund, FA Growth Strategies Fund, FA Low-Priced Stock Fund, FA Magellan Fund, FA Mid-Cap Stock Fund, and FA OTC Portfolio was on 10/11/24. Prior returns are those of the retail share classes and reflect the retail expense ratio. Had the Advisor Class expense ratios been reflected, total returns would have been lower.
Initial offering of the Advisor Class shares for FA Balanced Fund, FA Leveraged Company Stock Fund, and FA Global Equity Income Fund was on 10/25/24. Prior returns are those of the retail share classes and reflect the retail expense ratio. Had the Advisor Class expense ratios been reflected, total returns would have been lower.