Fidelity Advisor Separately Managed Accounts

Quality building blocks you can customize to clients' needs

Separately managed account models (SMAs) can help you meet growing client demand for a more tailored investing approach. By allowing you to offer personalization, tax-efficient investing, and transparency into their portfolios, SMAs can help you showcase your value to clients and deepen those relationships.

Given your clients' increasingly high expectations, you want to choose SMAs that leverage world-class investment capabilities that can help them reach their long-term goals. Integrating Fidelity's deep equity expertise and skill managing institutional-quality portfolios, Fidelity Advisor Separately Managed Accounts are compelling options for clients seeking capital appreciation.

Our equity SMAs pursue better outcomes through Fidelity's:

Innovative proven approaches to seeking capital appreciation

We draw on 70+ years of successfully managing equity investments to create and validate strategies that offer a competitive advantage.

Best ideas from globally integrated research

Fidelity's 450+ research professionals¹ work to identify opportunities and risks that inform stock selection and shape successful strategy outcomes.

Industry-leading insights and expertise

Tenured portfolio managers and strong quantitative teams guide portfolio construction and help the strategies effectively pursue their objectives.

Fidelity Advisor SMAs: Access to a Diverse Set of Equity Strategies

Our suite of SMAs—which we continue to expand—leverages the same established strategies and disciplined investment processes we use with our mutual funds and institutional clients.

Management Team
Investment Approach
Holdings Target
International Equity
Fidelity Advisor International Capital Appreciation SMA Sammy Simnegar
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Timothy Gannon, CFA
Seeks to invest in a combination of high-quality, cyclical growth stocks and structural, steady growers, both benefiting from long-term mega-trends. MSCI® ACWI®
Fidelity Advisor International Growth SMA Jed Weiss
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Anna Piralkova, CFA
Seeks to invest in companies benefiting from multiyear structural growth tailwinds and high barriers to entry that are trading at attractive valuations based on Fidelity's earnings estimates. MSCI® EAFE®
Fidelity Advisor Health Care SMA Eddie Yoon
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Seeks to invest in health care companies, ranging from high-quality, stable earnings growers to opportunistic names producing innovative products that disrupt the marketplace. MSCI® U.S. IMI Health Care 25/50 40–80
Domestic Equity
Fidelity Advisor Founders SMA Daniel Kelley
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Wan Hua Tan, CFA
Seeks to invest in founder-involved companies with strong earnings growth potential that are trading at reasonable prices. Russell 3000® 40–80
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities SMA Kyle Weaver
Becky Baker

Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Michael Kim
Seeks to invest in companies with resilient business models that are inexpensive relative to our expectations of their earnings per share in three to seven years. Russell 1000® Growth 40–80
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Opportunities SMA Tim Gannon, CFA
Michelle Hoerber, CFA
Seeks to invest in a combination of high conviction ideas from a selection of Fidelity portfolios across the U.S. large cap spectrum. S&P 500® 60–100
Fidelity Advisor Small Company SMA Forrest St. Clair
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Seeks to invest small cap stocks with superior growth potential and financial characteristics that are trading at attractive valuations. Russell 2000® 60–100
Fidelity Advisor Women's Leadership SMA Preeti Sayana, CFA
Zach Dewhirst, CFA
Kenyon Hunt
Seeks to invest in companies that prioritize and advance women's leadership/development and have strong competitive moats that can result in durable earnings growth or in companies we believe can benefit from open-ended growth opportunities. Primary: Russell 3000®
Secondary: MSCI® USA Women's Leadership

Manager name in bold is the fundamental lead manager of the SMA. Not intended to represent any Fidelity Advisor Fund. See SMA risks and index definitions below.

Increasing choice and flexibility for client portfolios

Our goal is to give you tools and resources that can meet the growing needs of your clients, which will help you assert your unique value and stand out from the competition.

Fidelity Advisor SMAs are part of our broad range of options in a variety of vehicles—including mutual funds, ETFs, sub-advised portfolios, CITs, model portfolios, and liquidity management solutions—all of which can help you effectively address your clients' investing needs.

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For nearly 70 years, Fidelity has helped our clients achieve their investment and business objectives by harnessing our deep and diverse capabilities.

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