Fidelity Stable Value

A fundamental component of a defined contribution plan that seeks principal protection and offers the potential for steady, predictable returns consistent with a conservative principal protection vehicle.

An industry leader dedicated to helping investors meet their goals

Fidelity has been managing stable value portfolios since 1986. Our stable, independent organizational structure provides the freedom to focus on the long-term success of our customers.

Independent, broad-based fundamental research

Utilizes Fidelity’s fundamental company research to generate alpha through security selection and sector allocation.

Team-based approach

Leverages insights derived from multiple sources, including portfolio manager teams, macro and fundamental research, dedicated bond traders, and embedded quantitative research.

Robust risk management

Manages exposures to aggregate portfolio risk factors, as well as idiosyncratic exposures via a proprietary risk management platform and a dedicated risk oversight function.

A focus on disciplined risk management and opportunistic investing

Championed standardized industry-wide stable value investment guidelines already embedded in our process.

Emphasis on capital preservation and a constant focus on participant fairness by minimizing market/book ratio volatility.

Employ a consistent and transparent investment process.

Maintain fully invested portfolios wrapped by global and fully synthetic contracts with transparent disclosure of holdings and fees.

Portfolio managers

We utilize a fully transparent, team-based approach to manage our stable value portfolios. The foundation of this approach is the strong collaboration between portfolio managers, analysts, traders, and quantitative analysts.

David DeBiase, CFA
Portfolio manager
Robert Galusza
Portfolio manager
Julian Potenza, CFA
Portfolio manager

Q4 2024 Fixed Income Perspectives Video
Listen to Portfolio Manager Julian Potenza recap the major themes driving the bond markets in 2024, and what to expect as we head into 2025.
FA Stable Value Portfolio: Pricing and performance

See fund information and historical performance for the Fidelity Advisor Stable Value Portfolio - Class II. Check out our mutual fund lineup.

Contact a Fidelity representative

Stable value for capital preservation and diversification

Stable value strategies offer principal preservation and competitive income that have the potential to outpace inflation, with limited volatility.