Fidelity Advisor 529 Plan

Discover how you can help clients save more effectively for college by offering the potential tax benefits and the investment flexibility of a Fidelity Advisor 529 Plan.

Why choose a Fidelity Advisor 529 Plan?

You can give families the financial freedom to pursue a higher education

Families want the best for their children and grandchildren, to see them realize their life's ambitions. Education is integral to their success, and while paying for college could be one of the largest expenditures families may incur, it just might be the best investment a family can make.

Available to residents across the United States and sponsored by the state of New Hampshire, the FA 529 Plan offers a range of benefits including:

  • Potential tax advantages related to college savings, K–12 tuition, and student loan repayment1
  • A broad range of investment options that provide access to Fidelity’s lineup of experienced portfolio managers and global research platform
  • High contribution limits
  • Estate tax and gifting benefits
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Want to know more?

Let's talk about this advisor-managed 529 plan for your clients.

Fidelity Advisor Workplace 529 Program

Do you have clients looking to enhance their employee benefits program? The Fidelity Advisor 529 Workplace Program makes saving for college easier for employees and their families—at no enrollment cost to the employer.

Gifting into 529 plans

Your clients’ savings could get a boost when friends and family give gifts to their 529 accounts. Account savings have the potential to grow faster when grandparents, relatives, and friends can contribute.