Fidelity Advisor Traditional IRA
Are your clients looking for a retirement account with tax-deferred earnings growth potential? Find out more about Fidelity Advisor Traditional IRAs and how they may help your clients save more effectively for retirement.
Consider a simple, yet powerful, retirement product
Provides the potential for tax-advantaged growth and overall tax management.
Fidelity Advisor Traditional IRA details
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Put our insights into practice to help your clients meet their retirement goals.

You may be able to help clients that need access to their money before age 59½ to avoid penalties on early withdrawals from their retirement accounts. Internal Revenue Code Section 72(t) allows penalty-free access to assets in IRAs and employer-sponsored plans under certain circumstances.4,5
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Let’s talk about Fidelity Advisor Traditional IRAs for your clients.
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1. Substantially equal periodic payments must be made not less frequently than annually and for the life expectancy of the employee or the joint life expectancies of the employee and a designated beneficiary.
2. Qualified charitable distributions (QCD) may be made from an IRA (other than an active SEP or SIMPLE IRA), and excluded from income, after the IRA owner has reached age 70½, if directly transferred to a qualifying charitable organization, up to a maximum of $100,000. The amount of a QCD that is exempt from reporting will be offset by the total amount of IRA contributions made post age 70½. Please consult with your tax or legal adviser for more information on these distributions.
3. Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. Please consult with legal counsel to determine how this law applies to your particular situation.
4. Distributions from a retirement account before you reach age 59½, (or distributions from a qualified plan, before you reach age 55 and are separated from service) may be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty under Internal Revenue Code Section 72(t) in addition to any applicable income taxes on the distributions.
5. Internal Revenue Code Section 72(t) provides several exceptions to the 10% penalty on early distributions; however, this piece focuses specifically on substantially equal periodic payments. Not all employer-sponsored retirement plans allow substantially equal periodic payments. Your client should check their plan's documents to confirm if these distributions are permissible and to determine the terms and conditions for such distributions. Remember, if your client does take these distributions, regular income taxes will apply.
Depending on your firm's policy, you can use the Fidelity Advisor IRA or invest in Fidelity Advisor Funds® through your platform.
The above information is educational in nature and should not be construed as legal or tax advice.
Before investing, have your client consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this information. Have your client read it carefully.