Help clients maximize their Social Security benefits
When claiming Social Security benefits, it's important for retirees to understand their options to maximize their benefit.
Waiting to collect Social Security benefits until age 70 can add up to an extra $1,080 per month.

The hypothetical example assumes that the person is not working in retirement. Sample benefit amounts are not exact due to rounding. They do not reflect annual cost-of-living adjustments or taxes. Had taxes been taken into account, the amounts would be lower. Benefit at full retirement (age 67) is assumed to be $2,000 per month.
Health status
Retirement lifestyle
There may be opportunities for clients to boost their Social Security benefits1
Strategies for couples
Spouses should evaluate options to determine when to file for benefits
Survivor benefits
Typically works best if one spouse is expected to outlive another
Former spousal benefits
Ex-spouses may be eligible for a portion of benefits
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Understanding Social Security Flyer
Strategies to help you maximize your benefits.
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Social Security Presentation
Options to help you maximize your benefits.
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Social Security Seminar Invitation Flyer
Helping You Maximize Social Security Benefits for Your Retirement Income Plan.
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