FIAM Small Company

  • Consistent delivery of exposures to U.S. Small Cap Core equities
  • Leverages FIAM and Fidelity’s research to construct risk-adjusted small-cap portfolios
  • Seeks small cap stocks with superior growth and financial characteristics at modest prices

Investment Process

Key Facts

Inception date Jul 15, 1985
Benchmark Russell 2000
Separate account minimum $50M
Typical tracking error 4%–8%
Sector constraint None
Security constraint +/- 3.5%
Typical portfolio turnover 40%–80%


FIAM Small Company seeks to provide excess returns relative to the Russell 2000 Index over a full market cycle by investing in a diversified portfolio of small cap equities.

Investment Approach

The strategy uses a research-based investment process that seeks to exploit FIAM’s extensive research capabilities to build a bottom up portfolio of small cap ideas. It seeks small cap stocks with superior growth and financial characteristics that have valuations close to or below the average valuation of the market.

Portfolio Managers

Forrest St. Clair
Forrest St. Clair Portfolio Manager

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