Fidelity Business Cycle Model Portfolios

Business cycle model portfolios, designed to dynamically adjust based on Fidelity’s proprietary research of and views on the business cycle, can help provide your clients with enhanced risk-adjusted return.

Fidelity Multi-Asset Business Cycle Model Portfolio

This model is designed to tilt exposure to the major asset classes based on the business cycle and provide risk-adjusted return through a dynamic investing approach. Designed with an open architecture approach, this model features a blend of active and passive funds from both Fidelity and third-party asset managers. Clients who seek a tactical component to their portfolio may benefit from this model.

Strategy details
Strategy details
Style: Blend of active & passive funds

Fund Universe: Fidelity mutual funds, Fidelity ETFs, third-party ETFs, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation: Ad hoc

Fidelity Sector Equity Business Cycle Model Portfolio

Clients seeking to adapt to shifts in the business cycle may benefit from this model, which tilts U.S. equity exposures based on shifts in the business cycle or manager discretion. With an open architecture approach with flexibility to emphasize passive or active investments, this model is designed to provide risk-adjusted returns through a dynamic investing approach.

Strategy details
Strategy details
Style: Blend of active & passive funds

Fund Universe: Fidelity Advisor Funds, Fidelity Index Funds, Money Market, Fidelity ETFs, third-party ETFs

Model Reallocation
: Ad hoc

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