Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios
Looking to help your firm stand out? Discover how Fidelity’s custom models combine your firm’s preferences with our investment management capabilities to more closely target your needs.
Help your firm grow and stand out from the competition with Fidelity’s custom models. Incorporating your firm’s investment preferences, your clients’ needs, and Fidelity’s institutional research and investment management expertise, our tailored solutions offer you:
Deep experience & capability
Fidelity brings over 30 years* of experience managing diversified portfolios through asset allocation and fund selection.
Greater flexibility
Choose from a wide range of customization options, including the ability to use specific managers, investment styles, or vehicles.
Robust service & support
Receive a dedicated model specialist to help you build and implement your model, and access proprietary manager research, market insights, and thought leadership.
*Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC (FIWA) has overseen portfolio construction for Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios since 2020.
Our model specialists collaborate with you to identify which custom model and technology solutions best meet your firm’s needs. We offer three solutions, based on capabilities including investment process, complexity of the implementation, client service, and marketing support. Each custom model solution is supported with ongoing portfolio management by Fidelity.
Customize Fidelity Target Allocation or Target Risk Model Portfolios based on manager, vehicle, and other preferences.
Investment minimum: $75M
Custom Plus
Design a bespoke model portfolio to include a wider range of investment preferences
Investment minimum: $150M
Custom Max
Provide more input into the investment mandate as you design your custom model portfolio to include a wider range of preferences.
Investment minimum: $500M
Want to know more?
Download our customization flyer or contact a Fidelity representative today to discuss a custom model portfolio solution that fits your needs.
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** Fidelity custom model portfolios typically includes a designated static allocation to a core sweep fund to cover typical third-party fees and expenses. As applicable, use of the mutual funds and ETFs in Fidelity Custom Model Solutions will result in the payment of fees to the mutual funds and ETFs in the Models as provided for in the relevant prospectus to each such investment product. The fees received from investment in included Fidelity mutual funds, and ETFs will be shared by various Fidelity affiliates involved in developing and distributing certain models, the Fidelity funds, and the Fidelity ETFs. When Fidelity Custom Model solutions invest in certain non-Fidelity funds and ETFs, Fidelity affiliates receives flat, annual fees (1) from a limited number of unaffiliated investment managers for maintaining the infrastructure to support their mutual funds and ETFs held in accounts on Fidelity’s brokerage platform and (2) from approximately 18 unaffiliated investment managers to participate in a marketing, engagement, and analytics program established by Fidelity. In addition, Fidelity receives compensation for certain services provided to iShares ETFs in connection with reduced or commission-free ETFs, and compensation in connection with a marketing program with respect to iShares.
Fidelity Custom Model Portfolio Solutions are made available to Intermediaries on a non-discretionary basis by Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC ("FIWA"), a registered investment adviser. Information about the Models may be provided by representatives of FIWA, or its broker-dealer affiliates Fidelity Distributors Company LLC ("FDC"), Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC ("FBS"), and/or National Financial Services LLC. Fidelity is not acting as a fiduciary or in any advisory capacity in providing this information. The information is designed to be utilized by you solely as a resource, along with other potential sources, in providing advisory services to your clients. You are solely responsible for determining whether the Models, the investment products included in the Models, and the share class of those products are appropriate and suitable for you to base a recommendation or provide advice to any end investor about the potential use of the Models.
Fidelity does not have investment discretion and does not place trade orders for any of your clients’ accounts. Information and other marketing materials provided to you by Fidelity concerning the Models may not be indicative of your client’s actual experience from investing in one or more of the investment products included in the Models. The Models’ allocations and data are subject to change.
Please see the mutual fund and ETF prospectuses, applicable ADV documents, and/or related offering documents for more details on compensation, expenses and fees, conflicts of interest, investment strategies, and risks.
At the request of an intermediary, FIWA will provide non-discretionary investment advice through creation of a Custom Model Portfolio designed to meet an intermediary's specific needs. FIWA can also create a Custom Model Portfolio that involves SMAs. The level and extent of customization can vary across the Custom Model Portfolio. In certain Custom Model Portfolio, the intermediary provides parameters to FIWA such as the overall asset allocation to be achieved or the underlying investment and risk or other characteristics, including what role each party plays in recommending and approving the underlying funds, the proportion of affiliated and unaffiliated investments, and eligibility criteria for selection of the underlying funds and SMAs. The intermediary can override FIWA's recommendation to exclude an underlying fund based on quality criteria. The intermediary may instead direct FIWA to use that underlying fund or choose from a suite of certain underlying funds, which, in some cases, is affiliated with the intermediary or offers the intermediary additional compensation through revenue sharing or other arrangements. Similar to a Fidelity Model Portfolio, each Custom Model Portfolio is designed to result in minimum revenue amounts to FIWA and its affiliates. For certain Custom Model Portfolios, intermediaries are limited to selecting parameters such as investment managers and vehicle type. For all Custom Model Portfolios FIWA provides investment advice within the parameters dictated by the intermediary as described in the exclusive license agreement or as otherwise agreed upon. The intermediary designates the share class of any underlying funds and determines whether it is appropriate for the underlying client, not FIWA.
Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.
FIWA will allocate assets among affiliated and certain unaffiliated underlying funds to meet certain minimum target revenue requirements for FIWA and its affiliates.
“Fidelity Investments” and/or “Fidelity” refers collectively to FMR LLC, a U.S. company, and its subsidiaries, including but not limited to Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC (FMR) and FIWA.
Third-party trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of FMR LLC or its affiliated companies.
Fidelity Investments® provides investment products through Fidelity Distributors Company LLC; clearing, custody, or other brokerage services through National Financial Services LLC or Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Members NYSE, SIPC; institutional advisory services provided by Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC.