Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios

Looking to help your firm stand out? Discover how Fidelity’s custom models combine your firm’s preferences with our investment management capabilities to more closely target your needs.

Custom model portfolios directly tailored to your firm’s needs

Help your firm grow and stand out from the competition with Fidelity’s custom models. Incorporating your firm’s investment preferences, your clients’ needs, and Fidelity’s institutional research and investment management expertise, our tailored solutions offer you:

Deep experience & capability

 Fidelity brings over 30 years* of experience managing diversified portfolios through asset allocation and fund selection.

Greater flexibility

Choose from a wide range of customization options, including the ability to use specific managers, investment styles, or vehicles.

Robust service & support

Receive a dedicated model specialist to help you build and implement your model, and access proprietary manager research, market insights, and thought leadership.

*Fidelity Institutional Wealth Adviser LLC (FIWA) has overseen portfolio construction for Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios since 2020.

How do Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios work?

Our model specialists collaborate with you to identify which custom model and technology solutions best meet your firm’s needs. We offer three solutions, based on capabilities including investment process, complexity of the implementation, client service, and marketing support. Each custom model solution is supported with ongoing portfolio management by Fidelity.


Customize Fidelity Target Allocation or Target Risk Model Portfolios based on manager, vehicle, and other preferences.

Investment minimum: $75M

Custom Plus

Design a bespoke model portfolio to include a wider range of investment preferences

Investment minimum: $150M

Custom Max

Provide more input into the investment mandate as you design your custom model portfolio to include a wider range of preferences.

Investment minimum: $500M

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What’s the difference between Fidelity Custom Models and other Fidelity Model Portfolios?
What’s the difference between Fidelity Custom Models and other Fidelity Model Portfolios?
Fidelity Model Portfolios are intentionally designed to address a diverse range of portfolio needs. While we believe that most advisors and their clients are well served with one of these existing strategies, we also understand that sometimes these strategies don’t address every investment preference or requirement. In those cases, we offer advisors and their clients flexibility through our custom models.
Which custom model solution is best for my firm?
Which custom model solution is best for my firm?

Each custom model solution provides a variety of investment, implementation, and marketing capabilities. Depending on your firm’s needs and investment minimums, our model specialists can work with you to determine the best option to meet your needs. For a detailed side-by-side comparison, please download the Fidelity Custom Model Portfolios flyer.

Which technology platforms can host Fidelity custom model solutions?
Which technology platforms can host Fidelity custom model solutions?

Fidelity custom models are available on a variety of technology platforms. Our model specialists can work with you to determine which one best meets your firm’s needs. Your firm can also use your own technology platform.

Are there investment minimums?
Are there investment minimums?

Each custom model solution has an investment minimum based on the level of investment collaboration desired and marketing support needed by your firm.

  • Custom: $75M
  • Custom Plus: $150M
  • Custom Max: $500M
What types of investments are included in Fidelity custom model solutions?
What types of investments are included in Fidelity custom model solutions?

Each custom model uses an open architecture approach that may blend active and passive mutual funds and ETFs from Fidelity and other third-party asset managers. Additionally, your firm's custom model can be built entirely of ETFs.**

Can firms leverage an existing model or request specific funds or managers during the custom model build process?
Can firms leverage an existing model or request specific funds or managers during the custom model build process?

Custom Plus and Custom Max solutions allow your firm to build your custom model starting from one of your own existing models or from any of our Fidelity Model Portfolios. Through a quantitative and qualitative research process, Fidelity will then recommend specific funds or managers for your custom model. And for any of our custom models, your firm can include specific funds or managers.

How much can my firm participate in managing the custom model?
How much can my firm participate in managing the custom model?

Fidelity manages the asset allocation and security selection of each custom model while allowing your firm to participate in the investment process as desired. With our Custom and Custom Plus solutions, you can collaborate on the initial model build and review the investment mandate annually. For more hands-on management, the Custom Max solution can offer your firm ongoing input on asset allocation, investment selection, and rebalancing.

What level of marketing support is available for custom model portfolios?
What level of marketing support is available for custom model portfolios?

Each custom model solution has access to white label model names, along with optional co-branding opportunities for core collateral that features asset allocations, trade rationale, and performance.

Want to know more?

Download our customization flyer or contact a Fidelity representative today to discuss a custom model portfolio solution that fits your needs.