Fidelity Target Allocation Model Portfolios

Help your clients reach their goals with our Target Allocation Models, diversified portfolios targeting allocations across a range of risk levels. These models can provide your clients a low-cost comprehensive portfolio solution or serve as a core part of a broader portfolio.

Target Allocation Model Portfolios

Fidelity Target Allocation Model Portfolios seek to provide enhanced risk-adjusted total return to meet a variety of client needs. These model portfolios include both active and passive Fidelity mutual funds.

Target asset mixes & strategy details
Target asset mixes & strategy details
9 Target Asset Mixes

Style: Blend of active & passive funds

Fund Universe:1 Fidelity Advisor Funds, Fidelity Index Funds, Fidelity Conservative Income Bond, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation:2 January, April, July, and October
Fidelity Target Allocation Blended Model Portfolios

Connect your clients with a strategy that seeks to provide risk-adjusted total return across the risk spectrum and enhance total return through fund selection. As part of the blended strategy, these model portfolios utilize an open architecture approach with active and passive funds both from Fidelity and from other third-party asset managers.

Target asset mixes & strategy details
Target asset mixes & strategy details
9 Target Asset Mixes

Style: Blend of active & passive funds

Fund Universe:1 Fidelity Advisor Funds, third-party ETFs, Fidelity Conservative Income Bond, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation:2 January, April, July, and October
Fidelity Target Allocation Tax-Aware Model Portfolios

Designed for tax-sensitive clients, these diversified portfolios include municipal bond funds to help reduce the impact of taxes on returns. Constructed with an open architecture approach, these models utilize investment vehicles from Fidelity along with those from other third-party asset managers.

Target asset mixes & strategy details
Target asset mixes & strategy details
9 Target Asset Mixes 

Style: Blend of active & passive funds 

Fund Universe:1 Fidelity Advisor Funds, third-party ETFs, Fidelity Conservative Income Bond, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation:2 January, April, July, and October


Fidelity Target Allocation ETF Model Portfolios

These model portfolios, comprised of active and passive ETFs, seek to provide enhanced risk-adjusted return across the risk spectrum. Constructed with an open architecture approach, these models utilize ETFs from Fidelity and other third-party asset managers.

Target Asset mixes & strategy details
Target Asset mixes & strategy details

9 Target Asset mixes

Style: Blend of active and passive ETFs

Fund Universe1: Fidelity ETFs, third-party ETFs, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation2: Quarterly

Fidelity Target Allocation Index-Focused Model Portfolios

Our Target Allocation Index-Focused Model Portfolios, which seek to provide risk-adjusted total return across the risk spectrum, seek to minimize cost and tracking error relative to their benchmarks. These models are constructed with Fidelity mutual funds using a primarily passive approach.

Target asset mixes & strategy details
Target asset mixes & strategy details
9 Target Asset Mixes

Style: Primarily passive funds

Fund Universe:1 Fidelity Index Funds, Fidelity Conservative Income Bond Fund, and a core Fidelity Money Market Fund

Model Reallocation:2 July

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